How Eye-Tracking Can Benefit Your Eye Health
Prevention and Diagnostics

The software keeps track of your active screen time for you, so that you can always be sure your eyes get sufficient breaks. It monitors and documents your progress in improving your blink rate and stores all data securely on your local device, so that you can generate detailed reports to share and discuss with your eye care professional.
Blink Frequency and Blink Quality
You might be surprised to learn that we typically blink between 13 to 17 times per minute. Since the blink reflex happens so fast and occurs mostly subconsciously, it goes mostly unnoticed.
During prolonged screen time, this rate decreases significantly to around 5 to 7 times per minute. Worse, not only does the frequency decrease, but so does the quality of our blinking. The number of incomplete blinks, where the eyelids do not close completely, increases.
One of the primary functions of blinking is to keep the eyes moist. Every time we blink, a thin layer of tear film is spread evenly across the surface of the eye. This tear film is crucial as it provides lubrication, transports nutrients to the cornea, and helps wash away any debris or irritants that may have settled on the eye's surface.